Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Should We See?

Keep in mind, these are in addition to the nine guidebook/map apps that are on my phone. I think we may have overdone it a bit! We're also taking a side-trip to London for a few days, although that's pretty much mapped out already. With Paris though, it's still a blank slate. Certainly there are the biggies on every list (Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Musee d'Orsey, Montmartre, Notre Dame, Versailles), but we also plan on doing a lot of it laissez faire style..."hmmm, looks nice out, what should we do today?" Which is why it will be nice to have all these maps and guides to flip through.

So, if you've got any recommendations (or even better, favorite spots), don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. Here's a suggestion from Uncle Christian for a place he wants to check out someday:

